Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Nature

In my nature I can lay down and let the grass sway under my fingertips
As I run the rotten leaves crunch under my bare feet
My nature is knowing the true beauty of the slime that coats a frog
Understanding the unique scent of the fresh cut grass that makes others plug their nose
Watching seaweed sway in the midst of the crashing waves against the rocky shores
Being able to tap your foot to the music of the wind and lightning
I'll just stand still with closed eyes
Listening to the heartbeat of nature pounding my ears
It makes me feel at peace
And when the dark wraps itself around me
I hold it tight
I can hear the voices of the forest
Calling me home
The cold breeze rushes through me
And ruffles my mind
I know its my nature when I can hear it crying
Neither the hot 200˚ of weather
Nor the frosty flakes
Can keep me away
My nature can change my grey clouds into a rainbow
And on a peaceful summer morning
When all the dew drops are sprinkled on the wet grass
I know it's my nature
The stream filled with dirt has become my clear ocean
And when the freezing wind punches me in the face
I only laugh
Knowing it is my nature



  1. Wow, you really ARE a natural poet Apple.

  2. hi, i sighned up for ur blog. ur a really pretty writer
