Sunday, June 16, 2013


Fourteen years ago I was born
The eleventh child
To a full family
Who didn't wish to stop
Then there was me
No one ever told me being different
Ruins your life
The slightest change in your looks
Could change your future
I was unwanted
And I kept being
And harassed
If you asked me
What do you remember
So much pain
The searing metal against my skin
Why did it happen to her
I was the poor girl who was isolated from the world
To me
That was just how life was
And I was the mistake
Even with my brothers and sisters around
I felt alone
I ran away at age five
A year later I changed my name
And hid from my past
Never looking back
I made a friend
A true friend
I even told her everything
About my past
And how it felt
She wasn't a true friend
And that's when I earned my nickname
And even now
I am haunted by it

Even though she didn't know
She was not the only one with a tough life
And a painful past
She was not alone
She only gave her friend the name
Because she had one too
For it seemed to follow her wherever she'd go
She was four years old
When her brother died
Then her mother
And she was left to live with him
Her father
The only thing she could think was
Why me
What did I ever do to deserve this
There is no God
For he couldn't have done this to me
At age seven she too ran away
A lifetime later she was a teen
And the two of us met
We stared into each others eyes and saw each other in them
We mirrored each other
In our pain
We were forgotten by many
For who would care about us
We soon grew apart
Trying to be the best
Because being lonely with people
Was better than being alone
By yourself
And even now
We are enemies
Even though we are like twins
With the same sad past
And open future

Was born to the wrong family
Who never wanted him
Yet he was there
And before he could even remember what was happening
They left him on the streets to die
Adopted by a loving family
Who hated him for being different
And never told him the truth
That he wasn't theirs
But still
He worked
And he cried when he looked at himself
Because he was different
And he didn't know why

The three of us met her
A girl who ran away
Because there was no more tears left to fill her dry eyes
Her red hair had been cut and pulled
And her heart torn
No one knew how she was still alive
But her face made everyone remember
Just barely
When she was young she grabbed a gun and tried to shoot herself
But all it lead to was a long talk
Why did you do it
No one cares
I care
No, get over it
Her life was put in repeat
Until her blood drenched the ground
But people had the guts to help her
Even though she begged them to let her die
And get her way for once

But you see
No one cared
Because they had their own problems
The same thing was happening to them
The popular kids surround by fake friends
Who were too busy agreeing with them
To hear what they were actually saying
Or the ones in the center of the room that no one sees
Until they just fade away

We all grew up the same
The four of us
And we all met up
There are people just like us
People who others pay to see
So they can laugh and be glad they aren't like that
The tent welcomes people
Sideshow acts
With no where else to go
But they didn't meet up there to join
Instead they all thought to themselves
Why was it us
We were not chosen
Not that we know
We are just normal
We are normal
But people just choose to pick on us
Because they are glad that even though
They are like us
They aren't in our shoes

And they aren't alone
The four of them
Everyone feels that way inside
Like no one cares
Or no one listens
Because they don't
They're too busy with their own problems
Because that's just how the world is
We laugh at people
Because we don't want to have to be them
We don't want to be
A mistake


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