Monday, June 3, 2013

I Live in Nature and Mind

i live in nature and mind
is that where you live?
i live here in the north, south, east, and spirit
i live in the land of my mind
my friend lives on the cross roads
do you live here in your mind?
change all perspective

moon my mother
sun my father
stars my brothers and sisters
i have love in nature
where others have hate
and a sharp mind with love
for both sides of the coin

i walk around in my mind
like in the nature of my heart
live in it
breathe in it
i could even open it

trees are my walls
grass is my carpet
and the sky is my roof

i live in nature and mind
is that where you live?


My friend, Endora, and I worked together to write this for English class. If you want to see more of her amazing work you can check out her blog: Poems of Old.


  1. 1st comment!!! :) and I remember those!! Poetry binders...

  2. Nice collaboration
