How is that it is
Better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
What if when they went out
They had their great bang
For it is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend
Like the ones
Who if they wanted to go home
They must betray
To be accepted
The must have lost one's trust
Had their back
Never telling them
That it was them
Who had the knife
The drop of your heart
And the trembling of your voice
As tears gather in your lashes
It takes so much time to build trust
On both sides
And find what works
So why
Why would they just throw that away
Don't they realize all of the pain
All of the misery you must now endure
A kind man fights with a sword
So why couldn't they just draw blood
Why couldn't they take a swing
Let your physical pain take it all in
What had you done to them
To make them lie
And cheat
But never even telling you themselves
You had to find out by another
They will
What it feels like
When all you can do
Is cry
And pray to someone
Who isn't even listening
Inspired by Sirius Black—
'Then you should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you.'
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