Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Random Autobiography

I of womankind and of fourteen years, will now begin to set down as full and frank a portrayal as I am able to myself, Allison Grace Russo, for when the world contains not a parallel.
I have dived into the cool lakes of Skaneateles.
I grew up with Ring Around a Rosy.
I am called Apple.
I was in three lockdowns during a single week.
I have felt the tight hairs of a llama.
I watched while the harsh winds blew down a tree.
I have lost an old pocket watch; one that no longer ticked.
I have walked the streets of Rome.
I love to read.
I remember traveling through Italy with a friend.
I held packaged toast in Naples.
I have seen the rubble left behind in Pompeii.
I am creative.
I have seen the lengths of the Grand Canyon.
I used to carry around a small bear; but now it is long gone.
I let a boa constrictor wrap around me as I fed him a mouse.
I want to be an archaeologist and stand in all seven continents.
I have held black sand from the beaches of Iwo Jima during war.
I have pet a tarantula.
I am unique because I am the only me that will ever be.


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