Sunday, June 16, 2013


Have you ever sat on your bed
And just stared at the wall
I should be doing something
I'm just wasting my time doing nothing
But you don't stop
Because even though you want to
You have nothing to do
Even though you have a pile of papers
And a messy room
And a cranky mother
You think there is nothing to do
You could ride your bike
Or take a hike
You could cook some chow
Or milk a cow
But you seem to have nothing to do
And no matter how hard you try
You just can't say goodbye
To the wall in front of you
It's not your fault
It's not you
Just blame boredom
Blame the creature inside if the fog
The fog that seems to follow you
When it's there
You don't want to go anywhere
Not the zoo
Nor Ikamazoo
There is no way to stop boredom
It just finds you
And forces you to stare at that wall
That blank wall with nothing on it
Nothing to interest you
Yet still you stare
You can't fight it
So why not join it
I know boredom is boring
With nothing ever to do
But to me that seems better
Than everything to do
And no time to do it
Just don't waste away
And become like boredom yourself
That's how he started
Just staring at the wall


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